3 085 kr

Intel RAID Premium Feature Key SSD Cache with FastPath I/O - Uppgraderingskort för lagringsstyrenhet


Enables a form of SSD Cache Tiering called SSD Cache and also enables support for Fastpath I/O; SSD Cache Tiering uses Solid State Devices as secondary caching tier for Intel RAID Controller after DRAM so as to improve read performance of Intel RAID Controller. This feature allows adding 1 or more SSD drives to an array of mechanical drives to improve read performance; with up to a 10X performance benefit; Fastpath feature can support full optimization of SSD Virtual Disk groups. With this premium feature enabled; Solid State Drive configurations tuned for small; random block-size IO activity (typical of transactional database applications) can sustain up to over 150;000 IO READS Per Second.

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